cheap 'n' easy vegan cooking

peRfect PiZZaS

1 baguette (small French stick loaf)
6 ripe tomatoes (vine or organic are best if you can afford them)
2 medium onions (finely chopped)
1 small tin of sweetcorn (drained and rinsed) (optional)
1/2 red or yellow pepper (finely chopped) tomato puree
grated vegan cheese (mixed into a paste with a little soya milk)
herbs (oregano and basil are best) and salt (to own taste)

1.) Lightly fry onion and pepper in a little oil for about 5 minutes.
2.) Slice the tomatoes into rings, then add them to the pan. Meanwhile set grill to medium heat.
3.) Slice baguette widthways, then lengthways to create four equal sized pizza bases. Spread each with a layer of-temato puree.
4.) Grill these pizza bases for a few minutes.
5.) Meanwhile, remove onion, tomato and pepper slices from heat after they have been cooking for about 10 minutes.
6.) Sprinkle a layer of sweetcorn onto the pizza bases, then add a layer of the fried mix, then season with herbs and salt to taste.
7 ) Top with a little vegan cheese paste, then grill for 15 minutes.

RoNNy SaYs
Serves two as a meal or four as a snacks. These are good served with chips or salad. If, like me you are an imaginative and experimental cook, try small amounts of the following as toppings... finely chopped black olives, pineapple chunx, smoked tofu chunx, cheatin' rashers, mushrooms.

These are Freezeable. Simply freeze after adding cheese paste, then treat them like shop bought frozen pizzas.

more scoffs...


Available in the UK for 75p
(50p per copy for orders of 5 or more)
or the equivalent in stamps, from


Box Miso, 180 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3HW
phone 0115 958 5666